Carlisle Veterinary Clinic

2810 Front Line Rd.
Carlisle, IA 50047



Carlisle Veterinary Clinic Logo


Dear Community Members,

In the face of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, Carlisle Veterinary Clinic is committed to providing excellent care for your four-legged family members. At the same time, we remain committed to the continued safety of our patients, staff, and clients. We will continue to keep a clean and sanitized environment by wiping down common areas with disinfectants and washing hands for 20 seconds between each patient and client interaction. 

Carlisle Veterinary Clinic strives to provide the best care possible for all of our patients. In order to continue this care, we are implementing new policies in order to comply with federal and state recommendations.


Although we love seeing all of our clients and patients, many issues can be resolved while eliminating the risk to our staff and clients.

Calling the clinic will enable our staff to:

  • Give accurate and up to date information regarding clinic policies.
  • Determine if telemedicine will work for your pet.
  • Prepare food or medication for pick-up. We are asking that all medication and food be paid for over the phone. Your medication/food will then be ready for you outside our door. If you prefer, medications can be sent to your home.
  • Owners will no longer be allowed in the clinic with their pet. A member of our team will meet you in the parking lot to retrieve your pet. Dr. Sloan will call you after examining your pet and discuss diagnostic and/or treatment plans.

We will certainly miss the in-person interaction with our clients, but our standard of care will continue as always! Thank you for your patience during this time.